For the first several days all Henry would talk about was how this hurt his legs. Poor Henry would cross his chubby little legs through the pain to avoid a confrontation with Ms. Johnston.
Finally, after a week of whining, I asked Henry if he'd like me to talk to his teacher. Henry said yes and so Monday morning I walked Henry into school and did just that while he sat down in line waiting for school to begin. I explained to Ms. Johnston that I realized it was a silly thing, but that Crisscross Applesauce hurt Henry's legs and asked if it were possible to excuse him from crossing his legs.
Just as I was finishing my sentence, Ms. Johnston and I looked down the hall at Henry who was sitting-- Indian Style-- in line, laughing and playing with the kids on either side of him. Thanks, Henry, for backing me up on this one.
so funny!
Gotta love that.
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