The Glenn is supposed to be the "easy" one of the three-stage procedure, but for Caelen it has been anything but. He was extubated a few days after surgery but was recently placed back on the ventilator. Doctors think that Caelen's phrenic nerve (the thing that makes the diaphram go) has been temporarily paralyzed. The nerve will repair itself, it just takes time.
Please pray for Caelen that his little body will heal and that he will be able to go home soon with him mom and dad. Also, please pray for Katye and Martin as they try to be strong each day to support and patiently wait for their son to heal. Lastly, please pray for Caelen's doctors and nurses that they will know how to best treat Caelen.
If you are interested in following Caelen's journey, Katye has been very good at updating Caelen's carepage. Just click on the link and type in "CaelenGorman" in the search box at the upper right corner of the page. You then will be prompted to sign in to access the page, or to create an account. It's free and easy to access.
Thanks everyone!
Thanks for the info! Katye has been in my thoughts lately but I wasn't sure when Caelen was going in for the Glenn. He will be in our thoughts and prayers.
We will keep the little guy in our thoughts and prayers.
Oh this just breaks my heart. There is nothing worse than being in a hospital with your little one and not knowing what will come next.
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