My mom is hosting an open house for me, Randy, Henry and Maren next Sunday, August 22nd from 4-6pm to thank everyone for the love and support they have given us over these last few years. It's really informal. If you like food and hanging out, please stop by. We'd love to see everyone before we take off. If you want to come and don't know where my mom lives, send me an e-mail or give me a call.
With that out of the way... Maren had her last visit at Children's on Friday. (I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I didn't just jinx us by writing that statement.) It went really well. We didn't do anything. She looked too good to shoot an x-ray or do an echo, so the only thing we did was lab work and listen to her heart. (I haven't heard anything about the lab results yet, but I'm assuming they're okay. "No news is good news," right? I'll e-mail Dr. D tomorrow.) At the end of the visit Dr. Donofrio asked Maren for a hug and Maren walked right up to her with big open arms. I got a hug before leaving too and for just a moment I flashed back almost three years when Maren was placed on ECMO. Dr. Donofrio hugged me then, too. It sounds terrible to say, but although I hoped she would, I really didn't think Maren would live-- and look at her now!
My New Favorite - Sweet Mini Peppers
12 years ago
I must send my regrets. I won't make the open house (florida is a little far). Glad to hear all the good news and I look forward to more to come.
We'll be hoping the lab results all turn out ok. It was great to see you guys on Saturday. Enjoy your last week in Virginia! :)
I LOVE the Henry stories! He sounds like a hilarious kid. I am glad to hear that another mom doesn't get into the swimming lesson thing either. It is always a debate with me every summer. Although it sounds like Henry is a good little swimmer! Good luck with your move to Michigan. Wished we lived closer that we could come to your farewell party too!
yeah - how exciting! wish we could be there.
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