One day last week when dropping Maren off to school one of her teachers announced (referring to Maren,) "Here she is-- Chatty Cathy!" It made my whole week :)
It happened over the Christmas break. It's like a switch was flipped in her brain and now she's talking like crazy. Of course, "talking like crazy" is relative. She did have a handful of words she used regularly, but in general, up until this point, if we asked her to say a word or even a sound, you could see her moving her lips around, trying to figure out how to form her mouth to make the sound. It was frustrating for her and us. Some of what she says is Maren-speak, but a lot of it is recognizable as some form of English. She will attempt to repeat everything we say. If the entire word doesn't come out, at least a sound from the word will.
I don't even know how to express in words how exciting this is for me and Randy. I guess, "I AM SO EXCITED," will have to suffice.
Here she is counting to 10:
My New Favorite - Sweet Mini Peppers
12 years ago
that is so exciting! yeah!!!!!
This warms my heart! YAY MAREN!!!!!
Umkay, that is freaking adorable.
She looks exactly like you!
I love that she says "poo" instead of two. LOVE it actually :)
AWESOME! Just absolutely AWESOME! Go Maren!
Way to go Maren!
Eat that girl up!! I love how she says two too!! Good on ya, girl!
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