We'll, Henry has been asking for a dog since he could talk. He has always loved animals. Here are a few of his favs, in no particular order:
Pinto Bean, the three-legged cat:

Mom and Bill's late dog, Maggie, with same turtle we found after that storm:

Poor, dumb, decrepit, diseased, Abby:

Kath's dog, Callie, with beads around her neck courtesy of Henry:

Chewy-- this is the cat that Randy and I got after we were married. He wasn't too bad of a cat until we had Henry. Chewy tolerated adults but hated children. We dragged him across the country with us when we left Utah, and then back across the country when we moved to New Mexico. We couldn't take him with us when we went back to DC for Maren's stuff so we had two choices: give him to the class act who volunteered to take him for target practice, or take Chewy to the shelter and hope he'd get adopted. These pics were taken about a half hour before we said our last goodbyes and watched Randy drive away with him. Poor Henry was heartbroken. I'll admit I was pretty sad to see Chewy go, but it really killed me to see Henry so upset. We sat on the steps of the front porch together and cried for probably a half hour. Henry still talks about him. Randy NEVER talks about him, except for the time when Chewy peed on his bullet-proof vest. Good times.

There is also Fudge, the guinea pig, but I can't find a picture of him right now. Most of the pics of him were on the old computer that I punched. Boo.
Anyway, back to my original comment-- Henry's been asking for a dog for a long time. We finally bit the bullet and did it. Daisy is a Welsh Terrier and may be the biggest spaz of a dog I have ever come across. She sure is cute, though, and Henry LOVES her. Maren's not quite in love yet. One might say she's just gotten past the "hate" phase. Maren likes Daisy best when she's sleeping. It'll come.
So anyway, here she is:
Here's Randy hating the dog. He's trying to put up a gate while Daisy is "helping." The dog probably loves Randy as much as Randy hates it.
Out for a walk:
Maren keeping her distance:
Welcome to the family, Daisy!
She's so cute! Where did you find her? Certainly not the pound....
Hey Vicky! I answered an ad from a bulletin board at the hardware store. I love small towns!
"I answered an ad from a hardware store." Weird! That's how we got our son...
Too cute!
That is a cute freaking dog. I'd totally ditch my cat if I could my hands on that thing.
so, the picture of randy totally made me crack up. that's exactly how trent and i would be reacting if we had a dog living at our house...oh wait that's how we react when my parents dog chews up our kids shoes!! henry looks adorable walking the dog...too cute! enjoy:)
What a cutie!
that is the cutest dog eva! love the pics. that first one i though was maren at first and i was like, wth did you do to her hair.
okay, that pic of Randy w/his head in his hand is classic. kinda how i feel when i run into snags w/my dog-baby. as in every minute of every day that he's awake. :)
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