Fast forward a few years. One day last week I picked up a couple of Henry's friends on our way to the park. It got a little quiet in the back and I noticed in the rear view mirror one of the kids whispering something to Henry. Henry looked at the kid for a second and said, "That's not funny." The kid got a little defensive and said, "I was just kidding." Here's Henry-- "I don't care if you're kidding. I don't like it and if you say that again, I'll punch you in the face." My first reaction was to laugh, but I did not. My second reaction was to tell Henry to cool it and apologize, but after thinking about that kid and the things that I had heard come out of his mouth, I decided to pretend I didn't hear it and trust Henry's judgment.
Later that day I asked Henry what his friend said. Apparently the kid said Maren was weird. I told Henry he did good.
What a great Big Brother! You're raising two AWESOME kids, Sarah! :)
Way to Go Henry!!!! With a big brother like Henry, Maren is set....that is until she is ready to start dating! Then her boyfriends will have to get through the "double whammy!" Miss y'all ;o)
Yay Henry!!! I'm glad Maren's got a big brother to look out for her.
Good choice
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