My mom is awesome. Here are a few reasons why (in no particular order):
1. She makes me laugh. This morning I read her comments in response to my last blog entry. At 8:41am she wrote, "Rant away. We love you. We are hear every step of the way." At 8:43am she wrote, "I actually meant here. But then--I hear it good as well. Talk to me!" And then at 8:44am she wrote, "Shit! Can't talk or spell today."
2. My mom is really, really good. I think it was in seminary one day that we were talking about what it meant to have your calling and election made sure. I seriously wondered if my mom was in that elite club. I even asked her. She just gave me a hug and a kiss, laughed, and said, "No."
3. She has the greatest faith of anyone I personally know. I will never forget sitting in our living room across from Bishop Fox when he told us, "Your father has died." Of course as as seven-year-old I was devastated. But only now, as a mother of two, do I begin to understand the amount of faith it must have required for my sweet mother to go on to raise (really, really, well, I might add) her seven children on her own.
4. My mom taught me how to fish. Okay, I don't recall ever catching anything bigger than a little sunfish, but I can put a worm on a hook, cast a line, and reel that little SOB sunfish in! Really, the coolest part about those fishing lessons was sitting under the same tree at Pine Lake in Wheaton Regional Park with Mom and James waiting for those little sunfish to bite.
5. This goes along with #s 2 and 3, but when my mom was a kid, her family, although members of the church, did not attend church. When my mom was 10 years old, a friend invited her to primary. She liked Primary enough, but really enjoyed Young Women's (or whatever it was called back then.) She began to do her Personal Progress and consequently began to attend Sacrament Meeting. She'd walk to church alone each week. When she was old enough, she told her dad she was going on a mission. Grandpa was okay with it (not thrilled, but okay) until Mom got her call to France. He told my mom she couldn't go. My mom told her dad when the farewell was and that she'd like him to speak. Her dad didn't speak to her for weeks. The silence broke when he showed up that final Sunday morning for Mom's farewell. Mom said he gave a really good talk and saw her off.
Shortly before mom was to return home from France, she received a letter from her mom. Grandma and grandpa had begun taking temple prep classes and would soon be sealed in the temple. My mom was sealed to her mom and dad for time and all eternity soon after her homecoming.
6. My mom can cook, but she's not too proud to admit it when she's messed up. One night my mom called us all into the kitchen so she could dish up dinner. Sweet and Sour Chicken was on the menu. My mom made up the recipe. I'm not sure what all was in it, but one of the ingredients was apple-cider vinegar because white vinegar was not in the cupboard. One-by-one, after our plates were loaded, we returned back to our seats in the family room in front of the TV. (We weren't big on tables.) The whispers started before my mom came out. When my mom finally did emerge from the kitchen, one brave soul commented on how the food tasted really weird. My mom's reply, "Just eat it!" Two seconds later my mom took a bite off her plate, dropped the fork and said, "This tastes like shit. Let's go to McDonald's."
7. My mom made my wedding dress. Yeah.
8. When I was a kid, before leaving the house each morning for the bus, my mom would tell all of us, "Remember who you are." Those words still echo in my mind on a daily basis. Mom never let us forget that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father and we are to act as such. Now, as a mother, I repeat those same words to Henry as he jumps out of the van and on to school. I think of my mom every time I do.
Now, a few of my favorite quotes/mom stories:
"Doughnuts? I haven't had doughnuts for weeks!" (Right after she burped)
"I just keep getting fatter and fatter. Pretty soon I will just float away."
New Years Eve. Mom tap dancing with Sister Lorz. (Mom's profile picture on FB)
"...You screw her good and you screw her hard!" (I think that was directed towards Ben after he made Emma run out of the room, crying. For the record, Ben made fun of everyone equally. Some were just more sensitive. Also for the record, mom was not always up on her slang.)
"MaryBeth, your ass is not made of brass!"
Alright, that's all for now. I'm about to pee in my pants. Mom, I love you. Happy Mother's Day. (Don, Kath, Ben, MBD, Emma, James and any old WOW alum out there-- feel free to add your memories:)
My New Favorite - Sweet Mini Peppers
12 years ago
holy cow...i love your mom and i never even met her! what sweet memories and i was laughing hard by the end of the post. thanks for always making me smile with your words!
Mom told me I wasn't worth a pinch of shit one time. Love it.
My memory story is one where Emma ( I think ) said they "F" word and your mom took her to another room and told her exactly what that meant. I am crying I'm laughing so hard. Thanks for the memories.
Sarah, thank you for sharing your memories of your Mom. I now know where you and MaryBeth get your amazing quick Whit and sense of huimor. :)
Thank you so much for sharing! I want to see a picture of your wedding dress!!!!!
I asked mom what circumcision meant once and she told me...actually she showed me with her own drawings on a paper bag.
LOL. I love your mom... and these stories are awesome. I just love the whole Dillingham/Navarro Family. :) ♥
I'm part of the Linda fan club too. I read this post to Derek because he didn't believe that your mom swears. Now he says I'll start swearing more because if Sister Navarro, who is a saint on earth, does, then it must be okay... :) Of course, he knows I already do anyway... :) There's no occasion too sad that can't be remedied with a little profanity and some potty humor. Love you, Linda!!
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