Nobody really got hurt. Henry got an almost microscopic cut on his foot. He was more embarrassed than anything. On the way home, I was sitting in the back with Henry and, trying to cheer him up a bit, told him, "You know, Henry, they have IHOPs in Michigan." (p.s.-Henry's favorite place to eat in the world is IHOP and we're moving to the great state of MI after Maren's Fontan operation. Henry's excited about the move because Randy and I have been telling him how awesome MI is, even though I've never been there and Randy has spent a whopping 2 weeks of his 35 years.)
Henry's somber reply: "I hope they have plastic cups."
Me too, Henry. Me too.
Poor Henry. I had to chuckle at the plastic cups comment. He is very Clever. I hope Maren's Fontana(?) goes well and the move is good. Michigan hun?
Yay for michigan! My kids love IHOP too and are pretty much obsessed...
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