We're back in the hospital. Bummer. Maren's constipation got the better of her last night. She woke up about 4am with a gigantic belly that was tight as a drum, breathing and grunting that made me uncomfortable just watching, and a very, very puffy face. (Her puffiness isn't related to the constipation, but just one more reason to bring her in.) She was just asking for an ER visit. Goody.
We were happy to learn that her heart looks great, her lungs don't look too bad, and pretty much all of her discomfort is due to her constipation. So, we get to hang out here until she poops. While we wait, we'll play with her diuretics to see if we can find a good balance to keep her lungs dry w/o completely drying her out.
Maren's not very happy about being back (can't say that Randy and are thrilled either,) but if we had our choice of being in the hospital for constipation or heart issues, poop would win every time! We are counting our blessings, for sure.
My New Favorite - Sweet Mini Peppers
12 years ago
Got it, Pray for Poop! Hope she feels better soon.
boo -- bless her little heart (woops, pardon the pun). pooping is hard, just ask any one of the dillinghams.
I'm so sorry, poor Maren! You're right, poop wins every time. Hope she can work it out quickly! And thanks for the giggle MaryBeth! :)
I hope she poops soon! Hang in there....
Ha, ha, ha, I'm laughing at MaryBeth's pun... :) Alright (flexing hands & cracking muscles), I'm praying for crap!! My kids have all had constipation issues, and I think I've used a drawer full of those little PediaLax baby enemas in my time as a mom...
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