...but unfortunately, Maren, Bill and I were unable to attend. At about noon yesterday, Maren had one of her crying fits where she holds her breath and sometimes passes out. She did pass out this time, but instead of coming right back, like she always has, she went into a seizure. I laid her down on the couch and I just couldn't get her to breath. It was terrible. Bill called the ambulance while I tried to wake up Maren. She was getting more and more blue (I've seen Maren turn a lot of colors, but I had NEVER seen what I saw yesterday) and finally the thought came to me to give her a breath. I did, and a few seconds later she was breathing on her own and her color came back.
Just as I got her to calm down a little, the paramedics arrived. Thankfully she was stable and we were able to bring her to Children's. Bill followed behind us in the car. Once we arrived, labs were drawn and then we waited... for about 6 hours. Maren was her normal, happy, playful self as long as everyone left her alone, which they did because every time someone walked in, she'd cry... and hold her breath. (It's like a defense mechanism. Chameleons change color, Maren holds her breath.)
At about 7pm Maren was admitted, but instead of going to the heart floor, we went up to Neurology. The neurology rooms look identical to the HKU rooms (aka, Maren's second home.) When we got to the room, Maren wiggled out of my arms, jumped up on the couch and started to roll around out it, laughing out loud. My jaw hit the floor and when I turned to look at the two nurses with us, I noticed theirs did too. I hope she doesn't make herself too comfortable. I don't want to be here forever.
We had a pretty restful night. We just finished an EEG which should give us an idea of why she had the seizure and then hopefully we'll get to go home. I'm not holding my breath, though. (Perhaps not the best choice of words.)
Thanks, Mom and Anna, for putting on the show last night. Thanks, everyone for coming. I hope you enjoyed it!
My New Favorite - Sweet Mini Peppers
12 years ago
hey, i forgot to mention that i took a bunch of pictures that i'll send your way. actually, i need to burn you a cd w/all the swimming pics too. hope they let you out of prison soon...
Good Lord, that's SCARY!!!!! I'm glad she's acting like her normal self after such an ordeal. Please let us know if there is anything we can do!
Good hell. What the freak is wrong with your daughter? Weirdo.
so scary. why do our kids like to freak us out like that?? i hope that she is doing well today and that you are getting some answers...
take care
What the... that sucks! My kid has seizures all the time, and the first time scared the crap out of me.. but it was nothing like that. Hoping she had it just because she was holding her breath. And I'm glad you were able to make her breathe.
Crappy. So, does that mean that you'll be in town for a little longer, or was this more of an in and out thing?
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