Um... so now I'm wishing our problem was constipation. Maren is pooping like a champ. (Thanks for your prayers.) The problem is, her belly is still mucho grande. The protein in her blood is low (why that makes her belly big, I don't know) and we're tyring to figure out why. Labs will be drawn and poop and urine samples will be sent out to diagnose Maren's problem. The hope is that this is a fluke-- her Albumin is low, so we'll give her some more through an IV and Maren will go home. The fear is that the problem is more complicated-- Protein-Losing Enteropathy.
With each doctor that walks into Maren's room, I become more concerned. Their messages range from, "It may be nothing. Let's not worry until the labs come back," to "PLE isn't the end of the world."
Anyone's knees sore yet? To be honest, I'm not sure what to ask anyone to pray for. I don't really understand, and I really don't think the doctors understand 100%. I'm certain that God gets it. Please pray that Maren will get well and that she'll come home soon.
My New Favorite - Sweet Mini Peppers
12 years ago
keeping Maren in our prayers, I know its got to be hard to wait for results and not get ahead of things. Hoping the doctors can give you some good information and get things back on an even keel.
I just want you to know you are a wonderful mom. I know I couldn't go through what you are now. You're amazing and such a good example of righteousness. You're always in our thoughts and prayers ;)
so sorry if my comments are totally annoying (i.e. "will she ever take a hint??") but definitely praying for Maren. I'm so sorry she's back in the hospital. I don't know how you handle all this.
Goodness, many prayers coming your way. I hope whatever it is, it's an easy fix and you guys can go home soon.
My knees aren't sore and the prayers are still coming your way. So sorry. :( Love ya ♥
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